

Black mustard is a plant. The seed and oil from the seed are used to make medicine. Black mustard oil is used for the common cold, painful joints and muscles (rheumatism), and arthritis. Black mustard seed is used for causing vomiting, relieving water retention (edema) by increasing urine production, and increasing appetite. Some people make a paste by mixing ground black mustard seed with warm water.

They pack the paste in cloth and apply the cloth directly to the skin as a “mustard plaster.” This preparation is used for treating pneumonia, pain and swelling (inflammation) of the lining of the lungs (pleurisy), arthritis, lower back pain (lumbago), and aching feet.In foods, black mustard leaves (greens) are used in salads and other dishes.

Origin and Distribution

Mustard seeds can be white, yellow, black or brown, and are derived from three different plants. The black seeds are exceedingly pungent; they’re also difficult to harvest, volatile and thus more expensive. White seeds tend to be much milder but can have the fieriness of the black, depending on how they’re prepared. Black or brown mustard seeds are widely used in Indian, especially Bengali and Southern Asian, cooking. When fried, the taste is nutty rather than fiery.



We specialize in export of ground nut bold quality with assorted counts / size & also Java quality of assorted counts / size as per buyer requirements. We also supply with certification of aflatoxin guarantee.

Ground nut is commonly called 'peanut' has numerous areas of application of utility. It is used in forming anti aging drugs, used to make peanut butter and the shelled peanuts can be roasted and fried and consumed as a snack. Peanut is a major source of oil, which is mono saturated fat and is healthful type, which is prescribed for skin health. The ground nut oil that we provide are carefully grown and saved during the storage season when the ground nuts are prone to fungal infections. We supply the choicest of ground nuts, which have abundant oil.  



We export different grades of Hulled sesame seed in terms of purity 99.98%, 99.95% & premium quality exports with certification of free from microbiological organism. Mechanically hulled and mechanically dried sesame seed consists of the hulled seed from the plant sesame indicum L. The colour is white. Odour and taste are typical, and free from foreign odour and taste, such as mustiness or rancidity.

Purity 99.95% Min & 99.98% Premium Quality
Salmonella Absent in 25 grams
Yeast & Moulds < 1 0,000 CFU/ gram
TPC < 1 ,00,000 CFU/ gram
F. F. A. (as oleic acid) <2%



Black sesame seeds (Sesamum Indicum L) are similar to the more common white sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are not hulled, brown (golden) sesame seeds retain their hulls too, and the white seeds are hulled which exposes their true seed color. Lighter colored sesame seeds are used more in the West and in the Middle East, and the black sesame seeds are more popular in Far East cuisine. White and black sesame seeds can be used together for an attractive accent to any meal. Sesame seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals and offer several health related benefits. Black sesame seeds contain about 60% more calcium than hulled sesame seeds.

    Black Sesame Seed Facts:
  • Black Sesame Seeds are similar to the more common white sesame seeds.
  • Latin name: Sesamum Indicum L
  • Black Sesame Seeds are not hulled.
  • Black sesame seeds are more flavorful than hulled seeds.
  • Sesame seeds are 40 to 60 percent oil.
  • Sesame seeds are high in protein.
  • Black Sesame Seeds add an attractive accent to food.


The castor is a small annual plant. It ranges from 1 to 7 meters in height. It has well-developed roots, with green and reddish stems which become hollow with age. The fruit is a spherical capsule with small grey seeds with brown spots.

The oil was, and is still, used extensively in local medicines mainly as a laxative, but also to soften dry and coarse skin.

Castor Oil is tasteless and odorless oil that is extracted from Castor seeds obtained from the castor plant, which is scientifically known as Ricinus Communis.

Castor Oil contains a toxin called Ricin (a protein) which, if administered in very low dosages, acts as a germicidal substance. Due to this property, it is also used as a spermicide in spermicidal gels, and lotions.

Castor is used very effectively in the treatment of rheumatic and skin disorders. It is a harmless purgative 



Mustard seeds are the small seeds of the various mustard plants. The seeds are about 3 mm in diameter, and may be colored from yellowish to blaclish yellow. While there are approximately forty different varieties of mustard plants, there are three principal types used to make mustard seeds: black mustard (Brassica nigra), white mustard (Brassica alba) and brown mustard (Brassica juncea). Yellow mustard seeds have the most pungent taste, while white mustard seeds, which are actually yellow in color, are the most mild and are the ones used to make American yellow mustard.


While dried mustard powder does not have a very strong quality, mixing it with water initiates an enzymatic process that enhances its pungency and heat. To moderate its sharp flavor, you can either add some very hot water or an acidic substance such as vinegar, either of which will stop the enzymatic process. Yellow Mustard seeds or mustard powder can be used as a condiment in a variety of dishes. Mustard seeds can be used as is or can be roasted in a skillet.

Yellow Mustard powder and yellow mustard seeds should be kept in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark and dry place. Prepared yellow mustard and mustard oil should both be refrigerated.



Watermelon is an extremely popular fruit. While we all enjoy eating this sweet refreshing fruit, we usually discard the tiny seeds scattered in it without realizing or rather knowing of their health benefits. These seeds are loaded with nutrients including fatty acids, essential proteins and lots of minerals. These seeds are rich in vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Besides, they are a great source of calories with 100 grams of watermelon seeds providing around 600 grams of calories. 

Origin and Distribution
The watermelon is an annual plant with long, weak, trailing or climbing stems which are five-angled and up to 3 m (10 ft) long. Young growth is densely woolly with yellowish-brown hairs which disappear as the plant ages. The leaves are stemmed and are alternate, large and pinnately-lobed, stiff and rough when old. The plant has branching tendrils. The flowers grow singly in the leaf axils and the corolla is white or yellow inside and greenish-yellow on the underside. The flowers are unisexual, with male and female flowers occurring on the same plant (monoecious).