
The processing machineries used by our company are packed with latest technologies to high quality products. The latest innovation and research has enabled the company to absorb contemporary technologies to swiftly change with the changing scenario of technology in the market.

Gum is derived from guar seeds or cyamopsis tetragonoloba termed as Guar Gum. Guar Gum can also be termed as guaran. These seeds have high low-shear viscosity as evaluated with other hydrocolloids like (locust bean gum). Guar Gums are effective thickeners and stabilizers.

Guar Gum is relatively cost effective as compared to other thickeners and stabilizers along with it being an effective binder, plasticizer and emulsifier. One of the important properties of guar gum, a polysaccharide, is that it is high on galactose and mannose. Guar gum is also known as guarkernmehl, guaran, goma guar, gomme guar and galactomannan.



We are into the manufacturing of the Tailor made products as well as the specific products suitable to the customer’s requirements in respect of controlling granulation and hydration to meet the specific use of the product.

We produce the controlled Hydration qualities. (Agri)
We are specialized to 300 mesh in which we can supply any required viscosity and required filteration as per the customers requirements.
We produce the alkaline soluble gums used in the textile Industries as well as in Oil well drilling as viscosifier/Gelling agent grade II and III.

We are now concentrating for producing Carboxy-methylated Guar Gum, Hydroxy-Propylated and Ethylated Guar Gum, Oxidised and Cationic Guar Gum as New Developments.

Packing and storage: Packing will be done in Master White Kraft Paper Bag HDPE Laminated of 25 Kg Net consisting of Poly Ethylene liners.

Shelf Life: 2 years from the date of production provided Stored in a Cool and Dry Place.